It's time for another #TransitHubbing Adventure in Toronto! This time, John, Ian, and Neil hopped onto the subway and #TransitHubbed all the way to the
#AvenueBloor Hub. One of the most transit-friendly Hubs in Toronto, you can get to it from three (!), yup, count'em three close-by subway stops:
(1) Museum Station,
(2) St. George Station - leave through the Bedford Rd. exit, and
(3) Bay Station. We came to this Hub on a chilly Wednesday to film our long-awaited "What's Your Hub?" video with former TTC Chair
Adam Giambrone (if you haven't seen it yet - shame on you! -
click here). But after hearing Adam's insider tips, we were inspired to follow through and check this Hub out more thoroughly...
Enjoy our chilly #TransitHubbing Adventure!
To get to #AvenueBloor, get off at (1) Museum Station, (2) St. George Station - Bedford Rd. exit, or (3) Bay Station |
Adam was right - Philosopher's Walk is both beautiful and relaxing |
Nearby, check out the mesmerizing Quad inside Trinity College |
This site was home to one of the largest outdoor Shakespeare festivals in the country! |
After a brisk walk, we headed over to the Cafe inside the Royal Conservatory, right off of Philosopher's Walk |
It's called "b" Espresso Bar - and it has quickly become one of our favourites! |
Could these #TransitHubbers BE any more happy to be coffee-ing inside the Royal Conservatory? |
The Cafe also has a number of fresh eats as well... |
From lattes... |
 | tasty wraps... |
 | portobello mushroom burgers - mmmmm! |
The natural light and musical vibe makes this spot truly inspiring |
What #TransitHubbing Adventure would be complete without a visit from Arvind???
Have a #TransitHubbing Adventure of your own that you'd like to share? We'd love to hear from you! Email us at and tell us about a Hub that you've visited (or one that you know like the back of your hand). What makes it interesting? What are some relatively-unknown places or things that TransitHubbers should check out? Send us your story, along with your photos, today!
Keep #TransitHubbing!
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