Sunday, October 2, 2011

#TransitHubbing through a chilly Nuit Blanche in Toronto

Saturday night was Nuit Blanche (#snbTO) night in Toronto, a sunset-to-sunrise event that celebrates art through exhibits and installations spread throughout the city. Picture this: crowds of excited people, mesmerizing pieces of strange and compelling art around every corner, and TTC street cars filled to the brim. Of course, what better way was there for people to zip from Zone to Zone than the transit system?

With that it mind, we grabbed our October metropasses, wrapped ourselves in our warmest coats, and rushed out to join the hordes of insatiable art-goers. What we found was sometimes shocking, sometimes intriguing, sometimes hilarious, even, but always fun enough to make us want to keep going. And after such an invigorating night of walking and #TransitHubbing through the city, even a 20 minute wait time for the northbound subway train (yeeep!) didn't spoil our mood.

Below are the highlights from our Twitterific evening, for all you #TransitHubbers out there. Just remember that the next time Nuit Blanche hits Toronto, you'll have TransitHub to keep you company! Happy #TransitHubbing, people!

This beautiful Toronto sunset means only one thing tonight. It's NUIT BLANCHE time!

@tweet2hold In the future, we will all be #TransitHubbers!

Rewind to Bollywood of 1950s to 1980s at the ROM. Can't take pics but can tweet! #AvenueandBloor!

This is taking #TransitHubbing to the next level! Sleepover at the secretive Bay Lower subway

No time to sleep when you're #TransitHubbing thru #snbTO!

Don't go #TransitHubbing to #YongeandDundas - its packed with kids!!!!!

#TransitHubbing in style at #BayandDundas

Playing with fire at #BayandDundas

Heart machine at #BayandDundas! Check it out!

Can't go #TransitHubbing thru #snbTO without some fuel ;)

Epic McEnroe/Borg 1980 Wimbledon tennis tie-break re-enacted at #BayandKing!

#TransitHubbing to #BayandQueen for a mega trippy light show!

Ready for some airtime?? Go #TransitHubbing to #BayandQueen, baby!

Awesome oldies at #UniversityandQueen

#TransitHubbing west on Queen st. to the #GladstoneandQueen - anything good there??

A body piercing good time at #BathurstandQueen

#BathurstandQueen Can u dig this??

Get your art on at #BathurstandQueen

Recycling anyone? #BellwoodsandQueen

Crazy wall projections?? That too... #OssingtonandQueen

Art galleries galore at #OssingtonandQueen

Live painting competition at the AGO. Funky work. #BeverlyandDundas

This is how #TransitHubbers re-fuel! Stay warm people!

Interactive art up #OssingtonandQueen - cool stuff!

TONS of art galleries at 401 Richmond West. Wicked vibe up in here!

Woah... its a door, but also a chair - our mind is officially blown...#OssingtonandQueen

After some weirdness, some cuteness #OssingtonandQueen 

That's a lot a balloons at the Drake Hotel #DovercourtandQueen

It's a clown! It's a clown! #BeaconsfieldandQueen

One way to warm up. Virgin Radio brings the club outside. #YongeandDundas

#TransitHubbing back dt from #DufferinandQueen - anything more worth seeing???

We're #TransitHubbing all night!!

Rain at #snbTO!! That doesn't stop the #TransitHubbing! Awesome mind control video game "Quetzal" on display at Bata Shoe. #StGeorgeandBloor

Tweeting about the future @CFCSNB11! #StGeorgeandBloor

Where did you come from & how did you get here? I see a lot of potential #TransitHubbers! 401 Richmond West

Of course, #goodbikes are out for #snbTO! They're everywhere and in the most obscure places at times :) 

Impromptu drumming outside OCAD! Dunno if it's official #snbTO but we'll take it. #McCaulandDundas

A little Space Invaders splashed on The Bay building ... watch for Pacman too! #BayandQueen

And, finally, how about this guy rockin out INSIDE his car?! Wicked! #BayandQueen

OK, now we're really done for the night. Keep #TransitHubbing people and stay warm! Good night :)


  1. Sounds like you had a fun night.. wish I could've joined in on the fun :) !
